Sunday, January 18

House delays

Well, I promised photos of the new house a while back but there have been some... delays. This is Africa after all...

So we don't end up getting into the house until the 10th because the repairs are taking longer than expected (which is not unexpected really).

Then of course half of the things that were supposed to get done before we moved in weren't. The curtain rails are mostly missing or broken, the windows haven't all been fixed, etc.

Then we discover we have no hot water. First it turned out that there was a closed tap preventing water from reaching the tank. Then the input and output pipes were reversed. Then the pipes - with water finally flowing through - were leaking. THEN it turned out they were corroded and smaller than the rest of the pipes. So... after many frustrating hours (frustration on my part, work and frustration on Chris's) we finally think we've got it sorted out except the pipes are still smaller than the cold water pipes so we'll be installing a water pump to increase the pressure and, hopefully, the water flow.

We're also waiting to install a ceiling fan in the master bedroom so haven't built our bed yet and have been sleeping in the guest bedroom. We've finally gotten through most of the unpacking though not everything has found a home quite yet. It's a tiring process so we try to do little bits between enjoying our new satellite TV.

There are still so many little things to get done but we're making our way through them and once furniture has been placed and our walls have stuff on them I will add photos here.