Sunday, November 4

Eventful weekend

So... the weekend got off to an interesting start. Friday night I was meeting a friend for a quick drink before dinner which got detoured into going to a BBQ with a large group of South Africans. Had a really nice time and a great dinner and we all headed out for an early night. And never made it home unfortunately. Not long into our drive home we got rear ended by a guy driving way too fast and not paying attention to the speedbump that we had just gone over. He took a little flight over it and ended up hitting the very bottom of our rear bumper pretty hard. Their car made out a lot worse than the pick up I was in but we still got bashed around a little. Fortunately we were wearing seatbelts so just got a bump on the head from the headrest and a slight hit on the shoulder from the seatbelt. However, car accidents here, especially when concerning Foreigners in one car and locals in the other I imagine, are a bit of a hassle. No mandatory insurance like at home. So we spent a good chunk of time waiting for the police and so on and then had to go down to the police station for a while. The police were actually fairly easy to deal with it seems (though I mostly tried to stay out of it). They didn't want to let us take the car home in case more damage happened before the inspection. The police officer was asking for my phone number... he'd already seen my phone and I didn't think saying no would help us out very much so I made sure he agreed to let us leave with the car before giving him my number :( Hopefully will never hear from him again. That was my friday night. Will write about the rest of the weekend later.

1 comment:

Admin said...

The cop was hitting on you?! Interesting. You know, it may be good to have a cop on your side out there....